I Heard a Fly Buzz When I Died

I Heard a Fly Buzz When I Died

by Emily Dickinson

I heard a Fly fizz – when I died –
The Stillness in the Room
Was like the Stillness in the Air –
Between the Heaves of Tempest –

The Eyes around – had wrung them dry –
And Breaths were gathering firm
For that terminal Onset – when the King
Exist witnessed – in the Room –

I willed my Keepsakes – Signed away
What portion of me be
Assignable – then information technology was
In that location interposed a Fly –

With Blue – uncertain – stumbling Buzz –
Between the light – and me –
Then the Windows failed – and and then
I could not see to see –

Summary of I Heard a Wing Buzz When I Died

  • Popularity: "I Heard a Wing Fizz When I Died" is i of the best poems written by Emily Dickinson which dramatizes her vision of death. It was first published in 1896. Information technology is a simple poem, reflecting the morbidity of dying using imageries. The expressionless speaker is describing the events that led to her death. Since its publication, it has won a lot of adoration from its readers for its bailiwick thing.
  • "I Heard a Fly Fizz" as a Representative of Death: Equally this poem is about death, the poet illustrates what happens when she dies. She says that she hears a fly buzzing when she dies then details the moments that somewhen lead to her decease. In the first stanza, she sets the scene for the upcoming effect, death. She says that the room is quiet and at-home. Then she presents a graphic detail of the mourners gathered around her. They are also serenity with their dried eyes waiting for the speaker'south expected death. She willingly gives away her worldly possessions and is ready for the journey alee. Just and then, a fly interposes and blocks her worldly sight. Therefore, "buzzing of the wing" refers to the presence of death. However, the "fly" which comes betwixt light and her, represents the concluding vision she sees earlier death, or information technology could be the death that has put a total stop before her life.
  • Major themes: Death and acceptance are the major themes of the poem. The poet foregrounds these themes in a simple linguistic communication. She accepts the unavoidable death and embraces it by signing her will. She adds that when she is giving abroad her possessions, a wing comes and blocks her vision. Using figurative language, she creates an image of death which is not ruthless, or barbarous. Instead, it is represented as a king that makes his presence known when he arrives.

Analysis of Literary Devices in "I Heard a Fly Fizz When I Died"

literary devices are tools used to express their feelings, ideas, and emotions finer and clearly. Emily has used some literary devices to bring uniqueness and richness in the poem. The assay of some of the literary devices used in this poem has been detailed beneath.

  1. Imagery: The use of imagery makes the reader visualize the writer'due south feelings and emotions. Emily had used images such as, "Between the Heaves of Storm" "Between the light – and me" "There interposed a Fly" and "I heard a Fly fizz – when I died." The first attracts the sense of sight, while the second and tertiary attract the sense of hearing.
  2. Simile: It is used to depict a comparison of one object with another to make the clarification more bright. The second line of the outset stanza "The Stillness in the Room- Was like the Stillness in the Air" is an case of a simile. Here she compares the quietness of the room with the stillness of the air.
  3. Personification: Personification is used to give homo characteristics to non-human things. The last two lines of the second stanza are examples of personification "when the King Be witnessed – in the Room," as if the expiry is a human, and he is seen in the room.
  4. Assonance: Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds in the same line such as the audio of /e/ in "And Breaths were gathering house" and /i/ sound in "I heard the fly fizz."
  5. Enjambment: Enjambment refers to the continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line, couplet or stanza such equally,

"The Stillness in the Room
Was like the Stillness in the Air."

  1. Oxymoron: It is a effigy of speech in which contains contradictory terms that appear close to each other. For case, "Last" Hither "last Onset" in Line 7 ways the last jiff the person takes when he or she dies.
  2. Onomatopoeia: It refers to the word which imitates the natural sounds of the things. Emily has used the word "fizz" in the first and the last stanzas of the poem.
  3. Anaphora: Information technology refers to the repetition of whatever word or expression at the get-go of a clause. Emily has repeated the word "stillness" to emphasize the feeling of the room in the offset 2 lines of the verse form,

"The Stillness in the Room
Was like the Stillness in the Air."

  1. Consonance: Consonance is the repetition of consonant sounds in the aforementioned line such as the sound of /r/ in "The Eyes effectually – had wrung them dry".
  2. Synecdoche: A figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole. Poet has used it in the fifth line of the verse form, "The Optics around – had wrung them dry out." Here "the eyes" stand for a room full of people.

The literary assay shows that Emily Dickinson has successfully used these literary devices to capture the stages of death in this poem.

Analysis of Poetic Devices in "I heard a Fly Buzz When I Died"

Poetic and literary devices are the same, but a few are used only in poetry. Here is the analysis of some of the poetic devices used in this poem.

  1. Stanza : A stanza is the poetic form of some lines. There are four stanzas in this poem.
  2. Quatrain: A quatrain is a four-lined stanza borrowed from Western farsi poetry. Here each stanza is quatrain as the first one and the second one.
  3. Rhyme Scheme: Emily has not used whatever specific rhyme scheme in this poem. The first iii stanzas vary in their course and meter. However, she has used full rhyme in the last stanza of the poem.
  4. Total Rhyme: It refers to the rhyme in which the stressed vowels and all following consonants and vowels are identical, but the consonants preceding the rhyming vowels are dissimilar such every bit "see", "me." The last stanza's rhyme scheme is ABCB.

 Quotes for Usage

These lines tin can be used when narrating whatever personal experience of whatsoever peaceful place. These could also be used in a speech to describe the atmosphere of any tranquil and quiet location.

"The Stillness in the Room
Was like the Stillness in the Air –
Between the Heaves of Storm."
